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    Zuger Kantonalbank

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    Working together for a sustainable future

    Through our sustainability engagement, we are committed to underpinning our business with ethical principles as well as social and environmental responsibilities, thereby fostering sustainable and beneficial development. Sustainability is a key element in our business activities and is also reflected in the value we create and preserve. We look to the long term in caring about the Zug region, about people as individuals and about the natural world.

    Our sustainability vision

    We think and act with an eye to the future. We incorporate environmental and social aspects into our ambitious economic goals. In this way, we responsibly and sustainably create added value for our customers, shareholders, employees, the Zug economic region and the environment. As a company, we want to become a sustainable bank with distinctive expertise in the sustainable investment business.

    Our sustainability strategy and targets

    Alongside “culture and staff”, sustainability is a core element of the #gemeinsamvorwärts 2025 corporate strategy that has been in place since early 2022. As part of our sustainability strategy, we have defined as key focus areas: responsible investment business, appeal as an employer, and environmentally friendly operations. In addition, the following sustainability targets have been defined at the bank-wide level:

    • Positioning as a bank with strong ESG expertise in investment business (ESG = Environment, Social and Governance)
    • Alignment of bank operations with the net zero target by 2030 (Scope 1 and Scope 2)
    • Increased appeal as an employer, i.e. ranked among the top third of the Swiss Employer Awards (category 250 to 999 employees)
    • Improvement of Zuger Kantonalbank’s sustainability ratings

    Taking on responsibility – our action areas

    Acting responsibly is a core value for us in everyday business life. By conducting its business activities responsibly, Zuger Kantonalbank protects its excellent reputation and preserves the trust of its stakeholders as the bedrock of its long-term business success.

    Illustration Geschäftstätigkeit

    Responsibility for our business activities

    Acting responsibly is a core value for us in everyday business life. By conducting its business activities responsibly, Zuger Kantonalbank protects its excellent reputation and preserves the trust of its stakeholders as the bedrock of its long-term business success.

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    Illustration Kundinnen und Kunden

    Responsibility for our customers

    We offer individuals and companies transparent, easy-to-understand financial services from a single source. We cultivate long-term relationships with our clients and support them in achieving their financial goals according to their individual needs. We provide expert and prudent advice so that our customers can invest their money responsibly.

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    Illustration Mitarbeiter in Luftballon

    Responsibility for our employees

    Our corporate culture and our employees’ dedication form the basis of our success. We offer an inspiring and collaborative work environment in which our employees can develop, feel comfortable and deliver the best possible performance. Equal opportunity, equitable pay and employee satisfaction are particularly important to us.

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    Illustration Gesellschaft

    Responsibility for society

    As the bank in and for Zug, we help to shape and cultivate the region’s public and cultural life by supporting non-profit, social and environmental projects. Through our membership in various associations and initiatives, we promote sustainable development beyond the cantonal border.

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    Illustration Umwelt

    Responsibility for the environment

    We care for the environment and use resources responsibly. All our employees play their part in this: thanks to various complementary measures, CO2 emissions were reduced by around 30 percent to 142 tonnes of CO2 between 2021 and 2023. Zuger Kantonalbank is aiming to achieve net zero by 2023 (Scope 1 and Scope 2).

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    Sustainability Report 2023

    The Zuger Kantonalbank Sustainability Report for the 2023 reporting year is published for the first time in accordance with the recognised 2021 Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In it, we provide transparent reporting on our objectives, the potential for improvement and the successes of our organisation in implementing our sustainability concept.

    Sustainability Report 2023 (PDF/777KB)

    Change of perspective

    Responsible investment: a new opportunity for a promising investment strategy.

    Further information

    Memberships and initiatives

    Through targeted memberships, Zuger Kantonalbank underscores its strong commitment to the area of sustainability. Because through its active participation in associations and organisations, it can play a role in shaping sustainable development in both the region and Switzerland as a financial centre.

    Logo PRI
    Klima Charta Zug Logo
    Logo Klimastiftung
    Logo SSF
    Logo AMAS


    Working together for Zug

    Maybe you, too, have something in mind that will reduce our region’s impact on the climate in the long term and/or make a long-term contribution to social cohesion in the canton of Zug?

    If so, please send us description of your proposed project.

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