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    Zuger Kantonalbank

    ZugerKB customer portal

    ZugerKB customer portal

    The ZugerKB customer portal complements ZugerKB e-banking with additional attractive services. Benefit from various services 24/7: Open accounts, invest your assets in attractive investment and pension solutions, and take advantage of our online advice.

    To the customer portal

    Your advantages

    Sign contracts online


    Open private and savings account


    Determine risk profile


    Grant power of attorney


    Order debit card


    Open e-fund savings plan


    Open deposit

    Invest pension assets


    Define e-mail communication

    Change personal data


    Online advise

    Open savings 3 or vested benefits account


    Access to the ZugerKB customer portal is via e-banking or mobile banking.

    Access via E-Banking Login

    Kundenportal E-Banking

    If you already have an e-banking login, you can log in to the customer portal with your contract number and password. If you do not yet have e-banking access, you can order it online.

    Order E-Banking

    Access via Mobile Banking Login

    Kundenportal im Mobile Banking
    Log in to the Mobile Banking app with your contract number and password. If you do not yet have Mobile Banking access, you can set it up in e-banking. Instructions for doing so are available to you.
    Setting up Mobile Banking

    Do you have questions about the customer portal?

    Our advisory team is happy to assist you Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    Further online banking services

    Mobile Banking
    Mobile Banking

    ZugerKB Mobile Banking

    Make your payments conveniently on mobile phone.

    More information
    Teaser quer E-Banking
    Teaser quer E-Banking


    Access your account and securities account directly, quickly and securely via the Internet, regardless of opening hours or location.

    More information