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    Zuger Kantonalbank

    Investment products

    Carefully selected investment options

    We offer you a wide range of investment options, and the number of investment products depends on your investor profile, What’s more, you benefit from access to the research expertise of our large network of partners. Consult our experts before investing. We’ll gladly help you assemble a portfolio in line with your individual needs.

    Our ESG-compliant selection criteria are fundamental to our sense of responsibility in the investment field. Based on these criteria, we judiciously select specific instruments and ensure that your investments not only earn you a return but are also sustainable and ethical.

    Our investment products

    • Strategy funds
    • Equity funds
    • Bond funds
    • Retirement savings funds
    • Equities
    • Bonds
    • Structured products
    • Medium-term bonds (“Kassenobligationen”)
    • Cryptocurrencies
    • Real estate funds
    • Notes/foreign exchange/precious metals
    • Money market investments

    Which investment strategy suits you best?

    Take the test and find out which investment strategy fits your profile. You’ll receive a detailed evaluation of your investment profile and a list of suitable funds.

    To investor analysis
    Stadt Zug
    Stadt Zug

    A horizon full of opportunities

    Your local partner with a global mindset – welcome to Private Banking.

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    Change of perspective

    Responsible investment: a new opportunity for a promising investment strategy.

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    Contact us

    Do you have any questions about responsible investment? Please get in touch – we’ll be happy to discuss your individual situation in a non-binding consultation.

    Disclaimer: The information published on this ZugerKB website is for marketing purposes. Further legal information