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    Zuger Kantonalbank

    Our pension products at a glance

    With Zuger Kantonalbank's pension products, you actively contribute to your financial pension provision and optimise your tax burden. In addition, they offer you solutions for raising capital for your own home or hedge risks.

    Pillar 3 pension products

    In the context of Pillar 3a savings, the Savings 3 account is a particularly attractive option for making tax savings, acquiring residential property, and securing your family’s future. It forms the foundation of your Pillar 3 savings and can be combined with long-term investments in securities.

    With Zuger Kantonalbank, you can decide whether you want us to advise you on your investment decisions or if you prefer to make them yourself. With both options, you benefit from free custody account management and free execution of transactions for investments in ZugerKB pension funds.

    Secure savings with no risk

    Savings 3 account

    A retirement savings account offering an attractive interest rate

    Key points in brief

    • Flexible deposits up to the statutory maximum amount
    • Significant tax savings
    • Reduced taxation of capital upon payout

    Personal investment advice

    ZugerKB Investment Advisory – Savings 3

    Take advantage of our advisors' expertise, offering tailored support to help you make informed investment decisions

    Key points in brief

    • Personalised guidance from Zuger Kantonalbank advisors in selecting the right investment funds for your needs
    • Free custody account management and transaction execution for ZugerKB retirement savings funds
    • Broad selection of ZugerKB and Swisscanto retirement savings funds
    • Higher potential returns compared to a Savings 3 account
    • Regular, systematic investment of your Savings 3 contributions in fund units
    • Switch at no cost from ZugerKB retirement savings funds to ZugerKB investment funds after retirement

    Invest independently

    ZugerKB E-Invest – Savings 3

    Manage your retirement savings investments online, anywhere and at any time

    Key points in brief

    • Online opening in our customer portal from the comfort of your own home
    • Free custody account management and transaction execution for ZugerKB retirement savings funds
    • Determine the selection of ZugerKB retirement savings funds yourself
    • Higher potential returns compared to a Savings 3 account
    • Regular, systematic investment of your Savings 3 contributions in fund units
    • Fund unit subscriptions and redemptions possible on a daily basis
    • Switch at no cost from ZugerKB retirement savings funds to ZugerKB investment funds after retirement

    Pillar 2 pension products

    A vested benefits account is where you can deposit funds from your occupational retirement savings if you leave your pension fund temporarily or permanently. For example, this could include a temporary break from work, a switch to self-employment, or a period of residence abroad (provided you remain domiciled in Switzerland). Alternatively, surplus pension fund assets can also be paid into a vested benefits account.

    The short-term solution

    Vested benefits account

    When you are leaving your occupational benefits fund temporarily or definitively

    Key points in brief

    • Preferential rate of interest
    • Tax benefits

    Personal investment advice

    ZugerKB Investment Advisory Vested Benefits

    Benefit from the expertise of our advisors, who provide you with customised support in your investment decisions

    Key points in brief

    • Assistance with choosing investment funds from the advisors of Zuger Kantonalbank
    • Free custody account management and transaction execution for ZugerKB retirement savings funds
    • Broad selection of ZugerKB and Swisscanto retirement savings funds
    • Higher potential returns compared to a vested benefits account with an assured longer investment horizon (at least 2 years)
    • Flexibility thanks to daily subscriptions and redemptions
    • Switch at no cost from ZugerKB retirement savings funds to ZugerKB investment funds after retirement

    Invest independently

    ZugerKB E-Invest – Vested Benefits

    Our user-friendly E-services allow you to make your own vested benefits investments yourself online

    Key points in brief

    • Free custody account management and transaction execution for ZugerKB retirement savings funds
    • Determine the selection of ZugerKB retirement funds yourself
    • Higher potential returns compared to a vested benefits account with an assured longer investment horizon (at least 2 years)
    • Flexibility thanks to daily subscriptions and redemptions
    • Switch at no cost from ZugerKB retirement savings funds to ZugerKB investment funds after retirement

    ZugerKB withdrawal plan

    With the ZugerKB Withdrawal Plan, investors who have already saved up assets can have regular amounts paid out and at the same time benefit from professional asset management.

    Further information
    Berater mit Checkliste
    Berater mit Checkliste

    Checklist: Savings 3a

    Not yet paid in the maximum amount possible for Savings 3a? Best be quick! Ideally, take the time now to plan your payment for 2025. Our Checklist shows you what you need to be aware of.

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    Did you recently move to Switzerland?

    Let us introduce you to our Swiss pension system!

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    Arrange an appointment

    Do you have any questions about our pension products? Please get in touch with us. We will be happy to discuss your individual situation in a non-binding meeting.

    Disclaimer: The information published on this ZugerKB website is for marketing purposes. Further legal information