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    Zuger Kantonalbank

    Comfort account set

    ZugerKB Comfort account set

    For everyone who wants flexibility for their banking transactions.

    Your need

    • You like to stay flexibel and decide on your-day-to-day banking transactions according to the current situation.
    • You usally make payments and cash withdrawals yourself; sometimes you get cash at the bank an occasionally you like to use the service of Zuger Kantonalbank for payments.
    • The debit card and credit card are indispensable for your day-to-day life.
    • You deliberately carry out your banking transactions through more than one private account.


    Comfort account set

    Price per month
    Account set price
    CHF 18.–
    With securities account or mortgage *
    CHF 9.–
    Private accounts
    Number of private accounts (in CHF or EUR)
    up to 2
    Account management per month
    Paper account statement
    Account statement as e-bank voucher via e-banking
    Payment transactions
    Compensation Switzerland with scanning order via bank
    (12 per year)
    Remuneration via e-banking
    Acquisition / mutation / deletion standing order Switzerland and abroad via bank
    CHF 5.– per order
    Acquisition / mutation / deletion standing order Switzerland and abroad via E-Banking
    Debit cards
    Annual fee (main or additional cards)
    (up to 2 cards)
    Card blocking
    CHF 40.–
    Withdrawals from an advisor of Zuger Kantonalbank
    Withdrawals from any ATM and at POS in Switzerland
    (12 withdrawals per year)
    Withdrawals at any ATM abroad
    CHF 5.– per purchase
    Credit cards
    Standard (Silber / Classic)
    Annual fee main card
    (1 card)
    Annual fee additional card
    CHF 25.–
    Annual fee main card
    CHF 200.–
    Annual fee additional card
    CHF 50.–
    Cash services in the bank
    Payments in CHF/EUR up to CHF 5,000.–
    (6 Payments per year)
    Payments in CHF/EUR from CHF 5,000.–

    * Benefits
    As a client with a securities account (including ZugerKB fund savings plan, excluding Savings 3 or vested benefits account) or mortgage, you enjoy a 50% discount on the monthly account set price.


    Factsheet Comfort account set (PDF/117KB) Brochure Account sets (PDF/310KB) Terms and conditions in basic business for private clients (PDF/245KB)

    Our account sets – as individual as you are

    Combine accounts and cards and benefit from attractive price advantages.

    More information