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    The topic of pension planning is simpler than you think

    , 3 minutes

    In my daily business as a client advisor in private banking, and also in my own personal life, I often notice how the topic of pensions is seen as a necessary evil. I've felt much the same way myself. During my studies, future provision was the most-feared subject. That often made me wonder why pensions need to be such a confusing area. But in my work I soon realized that it's not to do with the topic of "future provision" itself but with the way it is communicated. That was quite a revelation to me. So I'd like others to come round to the same realization too.

    Pension advice – professional and individual

    Thanks to our professional advisory application, we are now able to work out a client's personal pension situation together with them during the discussion. Visualization makes a complex subject clear and comprehensible. In addition, the client receives a handout containing their personal "pension check" and some proposals for possible solutions. And there's no need to worry about bringing stacks of documents along to the discussion. It's not like that, because the pension fund statement alone enables us to make an initial assessment and provide some useful tips. It's always comforting to know that, whatever may happen, you and your family are properly protected.

    It's never too early to start providing for the future

    Even taking a few small steps can have major benefits in the event of a misfortune – inability to work owing to an accident or illness, or even death. Providing for the future isn't a matter of age: it's something that concerns us in all phases of our life and at all ages. Everyone, of course, has their own particular needs. It's precisely this challenge that motivates me in my daily work as an advisor: offering my clients the best possible advice. And I'm always pleased when I see that that my advice is appreciated. After all, I know that the measures we decide on will pay off at a later date. Then my clients will be glad that they took the necessary steps.

     Do you know what benefits you will receive if you have an accident tomorrow and are unable to work? Or do you know how your family will be protected?
    We'll be pleased to answer those and other such questions. Contact us for an appointment. 

    Sabrina Villiger, Private Banking Client Advisor at Zuger Kantonalbank

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    Sabrina Villiger

    Sabrina Villiger

    Sabrina Villiger, Customer Advisor Private Banking, is always open to new things. She takes a positive view of change. Since training as a Certified Crypto Finance Expert she has had the chance to venture outside her usual area of activity. She enjoys combining the best of the old and the new from the world of banking in her daily advice, and also likes engaging in sport.

    Categories: Future

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